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#1 – Get a Goal!

bullseyeBuckle up and get ready to put on those big-girl panties…this is the first step of the “Top 10 Secrets to Mastering the Art of Self-Promotion”.  This whole series is dedicated to helping women become better “horn-tooters”, and step up and stand out in this competitive workplace and job market.

The most important thing to know about self-promotion is that it needs to have a purpose.  What is the goal?  Where’s the destination? What are you trying to achieve? What’s your intention? Who’s the audience?  What’s the target market? What does success look like? Without identifying the goal, it’s nearly impossible to put together an action plan to get you there. Self-promotion needs direction and focus in order to be effective. Otherwise, its bluster without benefit.

Essentially, you need to know what you want to achieve before you can know what to say, where to say it, and who to say it to…right?

Goals can be short-term such as an improved skill, new job, a promotion, a raise, winning an award or receiving recognition, or being elected to a board position. Goals can also be long-term such as a senior-level executive position, owning your own booming business, tripling your clientele, writing a book, or becoming a national keynote speaker.  Short, long, or anywhere in-between, clearly identifying the goal gives your self-promotion a purpose…a cause.  That way all the branding, messaging, networking, and visibility can strategically work together to achieve that goal.

Like many business owners, my goal is to grow my business beyond my wildest dreams.  (Yes, there are actual numbers and metrics attached to “wildest dreams”.)  How I plan on achieving that goal is by helping amazing women get ahead and stay ahead in their careers.  Knowing my goal and intention makes the self-promotion efforts (blogging, speaking, writing a book, coaching individuals, volunteering, strategic partnering, and campaigning for awards) so much easier. Notice I said “easier”, not easy…it still requires putting on those big-girl panties and tooting my own horn.

Given that goal-setting, and intention, is the first step to self-promotion, here are 5 easy steps that really work!

  1. Set measurable goals
  2. Write them down
  3. Establish milestones, benchmarks, and deadlines
  4. Get an “accountability buddy”, friend, spouse, or coach to stay on track
  5. Reward yourself

If you don’t already have one, get a goal!  The next 9 blog posts in this series will offer you tips, tricks, and strategies to improve your horn-tooting and confidence around self-promotion.  It’ll be fun, I promise!

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