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9 Ways to Make Yourself Indispensable at Work

SuperbizwomanMost people understand that it takes a strategic action plan and a whole lot of effort to get a job, but what about keeping the job you have? In today’s economy and competitive job market, invisibility equals dispensability. It’s no longer enough just to put your head down and do your job. It’s all about your ability to demonstrate your added value, promote yourself internally, and increase your visibility.

It’s just like the old adage…if a tree falls in the forest, but no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound? If you do your job incredibly well, but no one knows about it, does it still count?

Here are 9 Ways to Make Yourself Indispensable at Work:

1. Be nimble. The ability to adapt and change to an ever-evolving workplace is in your favor. The company that hired you and wants to stay in business may need to restructure the organization, rewrite job descriptions, or re-evaluate priorities and expectations. The more flexible you can be, the more indispensable you will become.

2. Stay current. Industries and information move at lightning speed these days, and it’s critical to stay current and relevant. Stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends, key players, and competitors. You never want to be the last to know.

3. Share your knowledge. Storing knowledge in your head may help you on a day-to-day basis, but it’s not an effective long-term strategy. Share your knowledge with others, let them know what you know, and position yourself as a subject matter expert in presentations, articles, and blogs.

4. Expand your network. Only knowing the co-workers on either side of you will put you on the fast track to a pink slip. Introduce yourself to other employees and departments, and develop cross-functional relationships. Eat lunch with a different person at least twice a week, and always attend the holiday party and summer BBQ. The more people who know you and like you, the more people who want to keep you around.

5. Assume additional responsibilities. Instead of doing the bare minimum of your job description, think of other ways to go above and beyond. Volunteer to organize the company blood drive or birthday parties. Offer to lend a helping hand to another department struggling to meet a deadline. Or assume a leadership role on a board or committee. Not only is this a great way for your skills to shine, but it’s a highly effective way to become invaluable to an organization.

6. Keep learning. Professional development is not only critical for one’s own growth and development, but also for solidifying your position within an organization. Read and share professional books. Take advantage of courses, workshops, seminars, certifications, and additional training opportunities that are offered. Increase your skill set and know that education is never wasted.

7. Become a mentor. Your development is important to becoming indispensable, but so is your ability to mentor and develop those around you. You instantly increase your value to an organization if you can improve employee retention, performance, and engagement. Having a direct impact on others’ success will motivate the decision-makers to keep you.

8. Identify key players. Not only is it important to identify the top dogs within an organization, but also the potential saboteurs. Be able to recognize friend from foe and act accordingly. Not everyone has your best interest at heart, and many people will have no trouble throwing you under the bus. Proceed with caution, operate with a certain degree of self-preservation, and allow people to earn your trust before you give it.

9. See your boss. Most people try to avoid their supervisors like the plague, but remember it’s “out of sight, out of mind”. Schedule regular meetings with your boss to provide status reports, updates, and insights into your recent accomplishments and contributions to the organization. Whether it’s in person or in email, it’s important to have frequent communication with the person who can either help or hurt your career.

Do you have a plan to make yourself indispensable at work? Don’t wait…pick a few items from the list and get started today.

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